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Smoked Kiwi-Strawberry Jam


After smoking every meat I could practically get my hands on I became curious as to how something sweet would taste with a smoked flavor.  Some of my friends had baked pies and crumbles on a smoker and those turned out very well.

I had been fascinated with making jams and loved how easy the process was. In addition, there was the ability to control exactly what goes into them.  I made a few varieties in 2019 including strawberry, mango, and guava.  None required any additional pectin (a common thickening agent), instead relying on the natural pectin within the fruit and lemon juice to aid as a thickening agent.  

I decided to cold smoke the sugar for this recipe. A cold smoker is an amazing product that can add a smokey flavor to anything without adding heat. Once lit, it puts out smoke for up to 12 hours! Read on to find out if the smoke added anything to the final product.


  • 3 pounds fresh strawberries
  • 3 kiwis
  • 3 cups of white sugar
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 3 sprigs of mint


Fill a cold smoker with wood. 
I used a mixture of Cherry/Hickory and Maple wood chips.   

    In a large tray spread 3 cups of sugar throughout the tray. 
    You will need to stir this often during the smoking process. 


    I smoked the sugar for about 3 hours until the sugar had slighted changed color.IMG_3818
    It is important to smoke the sugar at outside temps below 70 degrees or it could melt.  

    Once the sugar is smoked, the normal jam making process can start.
    Wash and chop the strawberries and kiwis.

    Blend them and combine the juice of one lemon.
    Then mix in the smoked sugar.
    Heat the mixture in a non-reactive pan (stainless is ideal).

    Add in mint and cook, stirring frequently to avoid sticking.
    Get the temperature of the mixture to 215-220 degrees (this will take 30-40 minutes).

    Remove mintIMG_3838

    Once the foam disappears to reveal that familiar jamminess quality, it is done.IMG_3836


        The smoke flavor takes this jam in new and wonderful direction.  It is subtle, not overpowering and the smoke flavor hits you afterward. It doesn’t take away from the fruit flavor, but the after-notes are an unexpected twist.  It replaces the usual endnote of a fruity acidic zing with a smokey diversion.  It is definitely worth trying!

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