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Grilled Cucumber Watermelon Salad

After grilling and smoking meat for weeks, it was time to change things up a bit. I ran across a grilled watermelon salad recipe in the book Go Kamado by Chef JJ Boston. Below is my modified version.

I was pleasantly surprised at the savoriness of grilled cucumber, pairing nicely with the sweetness of the watermelon.

Grilled Cucumber Watermelon Salad Recipe


  • 2 medium sized cucumbers
  • 3 lb watermelon
  • 1/3 cup of chopped mint
  • 2 tblspn lemon juice
  • salt (Kosher or Sea) to taste


  1. Heat grill to 450 degrees
  2. Peel 2 cucumbers and halve them lenghtwise
  3. Remove rind and cut watermelon into thick slices
  4. Grill watermelon and cucumber slices on the grate about 3-5 minutes per side.
    Cucumbers on the grill
    Cucumbers on the grill
    Watermelon on the grill
    Watermelon on the grill
  5. Cut watermelon into bite size pieces and cucumber into 1/3 inch slices.
    Watermelon sliced
    Watermelon sliced into bite-sized pieces
  6. Mix watermelon and cucumber and toss with lemon juice and mint. Sprinkle with salt to taste
  7. Cucumber-watermelon salad
    Cucumber watermelon salad
